The Class Schedule Generator makes it easier to create the best schedule for your next quarter at the University of California, Irvine.
The program uses the Java Runtime Environment.
Before downloading and using the program, you must agree to the End-User License Agreement (EULA).
Tip: Extract all the files from the ZIP file to a new folder.
Making Schedules
Tip: If you're taking a class with multiple lectures, take a look at the additional instructions.
- Copy class information from WebSOC into Make Class Lists.
Important Note: For a class (e.g. Physics 7A), the lectures are one class (e.g. Physics 7A Lecture), the discussions are another (e.g. Physics 7A Discussion), and the labs are another class (e.g. Physics 7A Lab).
- Create a text file with a list of the filepaths for each file containing a class schedule for a class that you want to take.
Sample File:
C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Class Schedule Generator\Class Lists\CSE 141.txt C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Class Schedule Generator\Class Lists\CSE 141 Discussion.txt C:\Users\Joe\Documents\Class Schedule Generator\Class Lists\CSE 141 Lab.txt
- Open the list of classes with Scheduler.jar and press the Generate button to make schedules.
Looking At Schedules
- Easy-to-read schedules are inside the Human folder.
- To look at the full WebSOC entry for the classes in each schedule, look inside the Machine folder.
- If you want a particular lecture section or have other preferences, then go to the Machine folder and use your operating system's file searching features.